

Powhatan United Methodist Church offers fellowship opportunities for men and women at any age. Be sure to check out our programs, services and groups designed to create fellowship, encourage spiritual growth and inspire friendships.

SUNDAY SMALL GROUPS  9:20-10:20 am

FELLOWSHIP CLASSA discussion-based class that uses a variety of resources and offers prayer-based encouragement for daily living

FRIENDSHIP CLASS – Using the Adult Sunday School Series to dig deeper into Biblical truths as they apply to living out our faith

UPPER ROOM – This class uses the guidelines provided in the back of the Upper Room Daily Devotional to lead participants in discussion and study of God’s word.

CONTEMPORARY STUDIES – Uses a variety of resources to consider the Christian response to today’s issues.

LIFE (Living in Faith Everyday) – We come alongside each other to draw closer to God through five spiritual questions asked every week.  Our goal is to grow as disciples of Christ.

BLAST (Bible Learning And Spiritual Training) – Children (age 4 – 5th grade) start with moving meditation, move into music, and then study a faith topic that is often related to Sunday’s sermon.

YOUTH – Students in grades 6-12 discuss their faith and how to apply it.

UNGLUED Mondays 6:30-8 pm  

Unglued is designed specifically for moms of newborns to school-age children. Being a mom can be tough sometimes, so we need all the support we can get! Our goal is to provide a space in the midst of our busy lives for prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and service, with the belief that we all need God and each other to “glue” us back together.

Join us every Monday!

Stay Tuned for more Unglued events, like Mom’s Night Out and Mission projects!

Questions? Contact the office.


This ministry focuses on helping the men of the congregation to grow in their faith in God through Christ and in forming relationships with one another. As servant leaders they have a commitment to missions and to helping the least, the last and the lost both in the community and through district and conference opportunities around the globe.

UMM meets at 7pm on the 4th Monday and 8am on the 1st Thursdays. For more information, please contact

let go, let god 2nd and 4th Mondays at 6:30pm 

This women’s small group focuses on a faith-based study and strives to connect with God and each other.

The Soul seekers  tuesdays 10am-12pm

This women’s small group give an account of their daily walk with Christ and study the Bible together.

fishers of women tuesdays at 7pm 

This women’s small group focuses on a various spiritual questions to share their walk with Christ, offering encouragement and support through life.

contemplative prayer  wednesdays 1pm

Silence is precious. Take time to listen to God every week. 

men’s Bible study wednesdays at 2pm 

Men gather each week to share their understand of the Bible and their faith.

ADULT CHOIR  Wednesdays 7pm

Open to all adults who love to sing, the Adult Choir practices weekly on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm in the church Sanctuary. Times during summer may vary. In addition to weekly anthems during Sunday worship services, this choir performs cantatas and other special music throughout the year. Contact the music director for more information.

Youth  thursdays 7pm

The youth gather every week to play games and learn practical faith lessons from the Bible.